Fred Office Plus
Generally, businesses and other organisations registered for GST will:
- include GST in the price they charge for their goods and services.
- claim credits for the GST included in the price of goods and services they buy for their business.
Stores will need to be able to generate a report to see how much GST they have been paying.
- In Fred Office Plus, select Reporting > System Reports > Sales Reports > Profit Analysis, then click Open Report.
- Under Report Filter(s), select the Date range you want to report on, then click Run Report.
The entire sales data for the store for that period you have selected will display. - Right-click any of the column headings and select Column Chooser.
- From here select GST and drag it into the other column headings.
You will now have a GST column with GST figures and totals. - From here you can expand the report and drill down on individual items. You can do this by either clicking the Department + tabs or by dragging down the Department heading into the other columns.