Fred Office Plus
Here are some commonly asked questions related to drug linking:
- When I dispense [insert drug], it does not come off the Fred Office Plus stockcard. Why is this happening?
- When I Dispense [insert drug], why does it come off a different item card in Fred Office Plus?
Whenever you dispense a drug, Fred Dispense will transmit the drug code associated with that drug to Fred Office Plus. In order for Fred Office Plus to know which item this is, the drug code must be included in the Fred Office Plus item card. If the item card has no drug code, Fred Office Plus will not know which item to remove stock from.
To find the drug code in the Fred Office Plus Item card you can navigate to it via the Fred Office Plus item card and then click Links.
Below is an example of the Lipitor Tablets 80mg x 30
Click on Links and then Drugs to show the drug code.
If there is no Drug code, then item will not remove stock when that particular drug is dispensed.
Match a Drug Code to an Item Card
- Identify the Drug code of the item in Fred Dispense.
In most cases the Pharmacist will already know what the drug code is. However if they do not, they can find the drug code by going into Fred Dispense and selecting Lists > Drugs > Find .
From here you can see the drug code against the drug that has an issue. - Once you know which Drug code you are looking for, return to the Fred Office Plus item card and make sure the drug code is in the item card.
To do this, click Match and then search for the item card. - Once the correct drug code is in the item card, Fred Office Plus will now remove stock whenever the drug is dispensed.
What if you attempt to match the Drug Code in Fred Office Plus but the Drug code does not display?
This usually happens because the Drug Code is already attached to another Item card. To fix:
- Find the item that the drug code is attached to—select Inventory > Drugs.
- In Look for, enter the drug code of the item. In the below example we are using Lipi5.
The drug code displays. - To see which item the card is linked to, right-click and select Open Drug.
The drug Card for the lipitor displays. - Click the Item tab and then click View.
The Item card that the drug code is attached to displays. - From here, you can unlink the drug code from the card. By unlinking the drug code, the Drug code will now show up to be added in the correct card.
- If the item card that displays is a duplicate item card, then click on Tools > Merge. to merge both cards together. Merging saves time having to delink and link them.
Related Links
Match item to drug in Fred Office Plus Online Help