Fred Office Plus
The main purpose of a Dead Stock report is for stores to find out what items they currently have stock on hand but have not sold over a given period of time. This is extremely useful in identifying items that the store may have missed in the stocktake and also imaginary stock that could be possibly inflating the stock figures for the store.
- In Fred Office Plus, select Reporting, then System Reports.
- Under Inventory Reports, select Dead Stock Report, then click Open Report.
- Select how far back you want the report to go in the Include Sales Since box.
Example: I want the report for any item that hasn't sold in 2 years. In this case we would set the Include Sales Since to two years prior.
- Make sure the Quantity Sold field is set to Less Or Equal to 0.
This will report on any items that have that have not sold at all for this period of time.
- Set the Current Stock on Hand to be Greater than 0.
This is the most crucial one as you want the report to show you items that the store believes it still has.
- Run the report.
The report displayed will show all items that the store currently has stock for but hasn't had sold in the past two years. This stock should be listed as priority to be either set to zero or corrected.