Fred Office Plus
Script rules are created in Fred Office and can be used to automate certain processes.
For example, script rules can be used to stop zero priced scripts appearing on the till, or they can be configured to stop stock on hand from being deducted for nursing home patients' scripts.
This document will help you set up these common types of script rules.
Access Script Rules in Fred Office
- Select Tools > Script > Options.
- By default, there is usually only an autocharge script rule listed under Processing Rules.
If you have multiple rules, the rules will be applied from top to bottom. To change the order, select a rule, then click either Up or Down.
Create a script rule to stop zero priced scripts appearing on the till
- Select Tools > Script > Options.
- On the Script Options screen, click on the Rules tab.
- Click Add, then in Rule enter a meaningful name—for example, Zero Priced Scripts, and then click Add again.
- Next, add the Condition. In this case, we want the rule to check if the script price is zero, so select the following:
- Select Condition: Script Price <is;isn't> zero.
Value: Is
- Click OK and OK again.
- Return to the Processing tab and click Add to set up the New Script Process. Make the following selections:
- Rule: select the Zero Priced Scripts rule we just created.
- Action: select Create Transaction and Do Not Charge to Account which will stop the script from appearing in Waiting Scripts on POS but at the same time the script sale data will still be recorded in Fred Office.
Stock: select Deduct Stock so that the stock is deducted.
By default, the new rule gets added below any existing rules. If we leave it as it is, then if the patient has an autocharge account, the script will be charged to the account and appear on the statement even if it has zero price because the autocharge rule applies before the zero price rules. In order for Zero Priced Scripts rule to be processed first, it needs to be moved to the top.
- Click the Zero Priced Scripts rule, then click Up to move it to the top.
- Click Apply and OK to complete.
- To test the rule, dispense a script for a patient with a script price of $0. Check POS Waiting Scripts to confirm that it does not show up at the POS.
Create a script rule to stop stock from being deducted
This script rule only works for Patients linked to an account in dispense and autocharge is applied. It will not work if scripts are sent to POS.
There are two ways to configure this.
Method 1: Stop stock from being deducted for all patient scripts in a specific nursing home
This method is usually accompanied by a second rule to trigger stock to be deducted in cases where the stock is not packed/supplied by the pharmacy.
- Create a new rule with the following condition:
- Select condition: 'Nursing home code is'
- Value: set this to the nursing home.
- Do not try to add more than 1 nursing home per rule. If you need the rule to trigger on multiple nursing homes, you will need to create a separate rule for each nursing home.
- On the Processing tab, click Add to set the processing up as follows:
- Rule: select the rule you have just created.
- Action: 'Create Transaction and Charge to account'.
- Stock: 'No stock movement'.
- Set Order/Priority: Move your rule up to the correct priority.
Method 2: Stop stock from being deducted based on a flag added in the dispense directions
This method is more common but requires the dispenser to manually apply the flag—for example, enter #MP to the end of the script directions field to trigger the script rule and prevent stock from being deducted.
- Create a new rule with the following condition:
- Select condition: 'Direction contains'
- Value: set a value for the flag to be used in script directions.
- It is recommended to use something with a symbol eg #MP as this will prevent the rule from being triggered by actual words. Also note that uppercase or lowercase will not matter when applying the flag in directions.
- On the Processing tab, click Add to set the processing up as follows:
- Rule: select the rule you have just created.
- Action: 'Create Transaction and Charge to account'.
- Stock: 'No stock movement'.
- Set Order/Priority: Move your rule up to the correct priority.