Fred Dispense
When adding patient details into Fred Dispense, the Suburb and Postcode are recorded as part of the patient's address details. Fred Dispense has a Suburb and Postcode database to streamline this process. This functionality is also available when adding in Suburbs and Postcodes for Doctors, Nursing Homes and Owner details.
This article includes information on how to:
- Set up your 12 most popular Suburbs and their Postcodes to the Function keys (F1 to F12) for use when adding new Patients.
- Set up which states display when you search for a suburb or postcode
Set up the most popular suburbs and postcodes
- From the Lists menu, select Suburbs & Postcodes.
- Assign a Suburb and Postcode to each function key.
- Click Save.
Set up which states display when using suburb or postcode search
You can set up Fred Dispense to display suburbs in your state, neighbouring states or all states.
- From the Setup menu, select Dispense Options.
- In the Suburb search to display field, type one of the following options:
M - My State
N - Neighbouring States
A - All States
Related Links
Set up the Suburbs and Postcodes Database in Fred Dispense Online Help